Thursday, July 5
10h : Graduate Students Meeting (separate program)
18h30 : Keynote Lecture
Christine Peltre, Professor, Université de Strasbourg, and Chair of the Comité Français d’Histoire de l’Art
Autour de l'exposition Peintures des lointains (Paris, Musée du Quai Branly) : nouvelles approches de l’«art colonial»
Friday, July 6
8h30 : Registration
9h : Welcome
Jean-Yves Marc, Dean, Faculté des Sciences Historiques, Université de Strasbourg
Marc Carel Schurr, Director, Institut d’Histoire de l’Art, Université de Strasbourg
Markus Ritter, Professor, Universität Wien, and Chairman of the Ernst Herzfeld Gesellschaft
Nourane Ben Azzouna, Associate Professor, Université de Strasbourg
9h30 : Collections and perceptions
Chair: Markus Ritter
Jessica Hallett (Lisbon), Calouste Gulbenkian and the formation of his collection of Islamic art
Nourane Ben Azzouna (Strasbourg), The “Orient” between France and Germany: Islamic art in the “Hohenlohe Museum” in Strasbourg, 1887-1918
Yannick Lintz (Paris), Installing Islamic art in the Louvre, 1905-2017
11h : Coffee break
11h30 : Urbanism and garden architecture
Chair: Francine Giese
Carmen González Gutiérrez (Bamberg), What does Islamic mean? An overview from Cordoba’s urbanism
Safa Mahmoudian (Vienna), How to integrate the textual and archaeological evidence of early Islamic garden architecture
12h30 : Lunch break
14h : Rediscoveries and reconsiderations
Chair: Martina Müller-Wiener
Stephanie Bogin, Anika Basemann, Yoshiko Shimadzu (Tokyo), Die Konservierung und Restaurierung frühislamischer Wandmalereifragmente des 10. Jahrhunderts der Zitadelle Khulbuk (Tadschikistan)
Valentina Laviola (Naples), Brick and stucco from Ghazni royal palace (late 11th-early 13th c.): A new research project
Ana Marija Grbanovic (Bamberg), The Oljeitu mihrab (1310, Isfahan): the Ilkhanid stucco chef-d'oeuvre re-examined
15h30 : Coffee break
16h : New research tools and materiality
Chair: Yannick Lintz
Bernard Gratuze, Nadine Schibille, Eric Ollivier (Orleans, Paris), Diachronic evolution of early Islamic glass production: Islamic glass weights from the Musée du Louvre and the BNU in Strasbourg
Claire Pacheco and Delphine Miroudot (Paris), Medieval Iranian architectural lustre decoration, issues of provenance and know-how: New AGLAE’s contribution
Break and EHG Members’ Assembly
Saturday, July 7, 2018
9h : Remapping Persian Art History
Chair: Lorenz Korn
Sarah Piram (Paris), New perspectives on the study of Persian art in Tehran at the time of Reza Shah (r. 1925-1941)
Iván Szántó (Budapest), Bihzad in Italy, Raphael in Afghanistan: Twentieth-century encounters via Berlin
Yuka Kadoi (Edinburgh), Persianism and Japonism: Experimentation with Asian art in Paris and beyond
10h30 : Coffee break
11h : Smell, sight, performance
Chair: Nourane Ben Azzouna
Sterenn Le Maguer-Gillon (Paris), The zoomorphic bronze incense burners from the Seljuq period (11th – 12th century): a testimony of the court life
Yusen Yu (Heidelberg), How a Chinese painting was copied in fifteenth-century Persianate workshop?
Berenike Metzler (Bamberg), How to do things with calligraphy
12h30 : Lunch break
14h : Ottoman and Qajar visual cultures in transition
Chair: Maximilian Hartmuth
Ekin Akalin (Geneva), Collective memory in Ottoman landscape
Atefeh Seyed Mousavi (Göttingen), Qajar tile painting: A visual media to represent contemporary material culture
Roxana Zenhari (Göttingen), Qajarian lithography: Creating images not for privileged few
15h30 : Coffee break
16h : Modern transformations
Chair: Ilse Sturkenboom
Maximilian Hartmuth (Vienna), From Hünkar Camii to Kaisermoschee: A building complex in Sarajevo and its multiple transpositions
Laura Hindelang (Berlin), Dubai’s forerunner: The 1950s and 1960s “Boom time in Kuwait” analyzed through the lens of visual culture
Charlotte Bank (Berlin), Performing history: Chaza Charafeddine’s “Divine Comedy” as critique of contemporary gender politics in the Middle East
17h30 : Closing remarks and discussion